Watering Trees

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

Supplemental watering can greatly assist trees during stressful drought periods in the summer and in the dormant season when soil moisture is limited. This publication contains information on watering trees such as how to water, where to water, when to to water, how much water and how often.

The details..

Water is essential for tree survival and growth, but drought conditions can lead to decline in trees making them more susceptible to pest problems. This book offers practical advice on watering techniques that can greatly assist trees during stressful periods of limited soil moisture. It also highlights the importance of monitoring precipitation events before symptoms of leaf curling or detachment appear due to lack of moisture.

The best way to water trees gradually with soaker hoses or by trickle irrigation as sprinklers are less efficient though easy-to-use. Water should be applied over organic mulch rather than concentrated at the base since most feeder roots are located several feet from the trunk; excessive watering at the base can cause root diseases and pest problems.

Trees need not be watered closer than three feet from the base of the trunk extending a few feet beyond its drip line where surface soaking allows tree roots more opportunity to absorb water beneath foliage shaded by it. Young recently planted ball-and-burlap trees require frequent watering directly over planting areas or root balls.

It's recommended that once or twice weekly deep-waterings take place throughout growing seasons when there's limited rainfall instead of many light shallow ones encouraging shallow rooting leading up damage during lengthy droughts. Late in September, as days get shorter preparing themselves for winter leaves begin senescence causing them look unhealthy requiring less transpiration photosynthesis thus reducing frequency curtailed amount needed.

Resource Info

Page count: 2
Size: 626kb
File Type: pdf


Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
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